How Ear Infections Can Affect Your Hearing

Most people associate ear infections with ear pain and discomfort, but they can also temporarily affect your ability to hear. In some cases, frequent or severe infections may even lead to long-term hearing issues. Understanding how ear infections impact hearing and how to prevent complications can help protect your ear health. The Link Between Ear…
What To Know About Tympanosclerosis
Tympanosclerosis is a condition where scarring develops on the eardrum due to calcium deposits, causing it to thicken or harden. While it often goes unnoticed because symptoms are mild or absent, severe scarring can lead to hearing loss. Let’s explore what causes tympanosclerosis and the treatment options available. What Causes Tympanosclerosis? The exact cause of…
Halloween Safety Tips for Your Ears, Nose and Throat
Halloween is a time filled with fun, costumes and lots of treats, but it’s also a common time for sickness to set in. With the excitement of loud parties and the chilly weather, it’s easy to overlook how activities at Osborn Farm might impact your ears, nose and throat (ENT). Here are some practical tips…
Can Adults Get Ear Infections?
Ear infections are often thought of as a childhood issue, especially in kids between six months and two years old. Many of us might remember staying home from school with that familiar earache. However, ear infections aren’t just for kids—they can be a recurring problem for adults. Let’s dive into what causes ear infections, why…
How to Relieve Ear Pressure
Ear pressure, often referred to as barotrauma, can be an uncomfortable and sometimes painful experience. It occurs when the Eustachian tube becomes blocked due to altitude or pressure changes. Let’s explore why ear pressure occurs and some effective methods for alleviating it. Why Ear Pressure Occurs Barotrauma happens when there’s an imbalance between the air…
What to Know About Retracted Eardrums
The eardrum, also known as the tympanic membrane, is an essential function of the hearing system. It acts as a barrier between the external ear canal and the middle ear and plays a crucial role in hearing. Sometimes, the eardrum can become retracted, which can lead to symptoms with hearing or no symptoms at all….
The Essential Guide to Safe Earwax Removal and Why It Matters
While earwax might not be the first thing on our minds when we think about personal health and hygiene, this seemingly inconsequential substance plays a pivotal role in maintaining your ear health. Understanding the importance of earwax and managing it safely is crucial in preventing potential harm to your ears. How Does Earwax Protect You?…
How To Recognize and Manage Aphasia
Aphasia is a communication disorder resulting from damage to the brain’s language processing areas. It manifests uniquely across affected individuals, requiring a personalized treatment approach. In the United States, aphasia affects approximately 2 million people. Enhancing our understanding of aphasia can improve our interactions with those who live with this condition. Recognizing Aphasia Aphasia can…
What To Know About Dry Ears
Dry ears can occur because of various causes, from over-cleaning to skin conditions such as eczema. In most cases, it can be easily treated; understanding the cause can allow you to take steps to relieve potential discomfort. Causes of Dry Ears Dry ears are usually the result of some form of ear irritation disrupting the…
Why Do Your Ears Hurt When Swallowing?
Have you ever experienced a sharp pain in your ears when swallowing? It can be a perplexing and uncomfortable sensation. While you may be used to a sore throat or upset stomach putting a damper on the occasional meal, ear pain isn’t generally a concern. Let’s delve into a few reasons why you may feel…